PETRA Y CARINA en Nueva York – Pospuesto

PETRA Y CARINA se representará en la ciudad de Nueva York dentro del festival, Fuerza Fest, los próximos 8 y 9 de mayo de 2020, en el Centro de Arte y Performance Julia de Burgos a cargo de 3 Theater Company.

FUERZAfest is a multidisciplinary Latinx festival that harnesses the visceral power of art to inspire recognition, visibility and respect of people who transgress gender and sexual norms.

In light of the current sociopolitical climate, issues of transphobia, homophobia and anti-gay violence resonate significantly amongst Latinx people – which is why the creation of a positive culturally-sensitive space like FUERZAfest is of vital importance.

The festival brings diverse communities together to support artistic risk-taking, incite creative collaboration and experimentation, and celebrate the rich heritage of Latinx queer artists and art.

​This year marks the Fifth Anniversary of FUERZAfest New York, and will highlight the theme: “Live Your Truth” a celebration of individuality within our community to continue sparking a necessary conversation about what our communities value, who we are, and how we need to stand with one another to fight injustice.

​FUERZAfest NY will be held on May 6-17, 2020 at the Julia de Burgos Performance & Arts Center located in Spanish Harlem, NYC.

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