La compañía de teatro en inglés Entity Theatre estrena CIFRAS en su traducción al inglés NUMBERS el próximo 27 de abril en el teatro Pepper de Múnich.
Entity Theatre’s 2017 spring production is the European premiere of Numbers, originally written in Spanish by Mar Gómez Glez for the Royal Court Theatre, and translated into English by William Gregory.
In 2009, the crew of the Spanish shrimp trawler Francisco y Catalina rescued 51 migrants drifting aboard a sinking raft in the Mediterranean Sea. The crew and refugees were denied access to the Maltese port of Valletta and were left stranded. They struggled to survive as food, water, and patience quickly dwindled. Meanwhile, diplomatic efforts were made to resolve the situation while the matter was hotly debated by the public and media.
Numbers is based on the events which transpired while the vessel was stuck in diplomatic limbo.
The play is helmed by Bogdan Tabacaru (Director), Makrand Mujumdar (Assistant Director), Elif Bilge Kavun (Producer), Jennifer Blastorah Orszag (Scenographer/Marketing) and Ashok Vasudevan (Dramaturg).
Performances27 – 29 April 2017, 20.00
30 April 2017, 15.00
30 April 2017, 15.00
4 – 6 May 2017, 20.00
7 May 2017, 15.00
Pepper Theater in pep Einkaufs-Center
Thomas-Dehler-Straße 12, 81737 Munich
Public transport: U5/U7 Neuperlach Zentrum
(Theatre entrance next to Starbucks Coffee)
Thomas-Dehler-Straße 12, 81737 Munich
Public transport: U5/U7 Neuperlach Zentrum
(Theatre entrance next to Starbucks Coffee)
Evening Performances: €15 (Concessions €8)*
Matinees: €12 (Concessions €6)*
*plus booking fee
Evening Performances: €15 (Concessions €8)*
Matinees: €12 (Concessions €6)*
*plus booking fee